Hello Beautiful,
I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for taking the time to come and explore my site.
All offerings here are in divine service. I consider what I do absolute Seva and it is an honour to be of assistance. I am committed to providing the best treatment that I possibly can in each moment for each individual. My work is my Art. cont...

A little about me and my spiritual life..
My name is Mia, spiritual name Jyoti Ananda.
I grew up in the music industry with all the sex, drugs and rock and roll of the 70's and 80's.
We were a very poor family but I have a very wealthy, educated and religiously observant extended family, this was a big juxtaposition in my life.
Growing up in the bush by the ocean with lots of animals gave me a connection with mother nature that is unshakeable, i've always felt as one with her, i'm a true nature sprite.
As a child I was aware of 'other' beings around me but it never felt unnatural, I simply thought that everyone had them, I now know that children of a certain age can see and feel their guardians and angels whilst the veil of perception is clear.
Ive always, to the dismay of many, just 'known things'. My intuition is extremely sharp and I get downloads and feelings regarding the intentions, thoughts and situations of people. It is never wrong and I wish that I had cultivated it at a younger age.
I often hear the thoughts of others but I prefer to mind my own business and close that off when i'm not channelling because as you can understand, that becomes very noisy. Also, its an invasion for the person who i'm listening to.
You could say that I was a very reluctant spiritual aspirant. I knew that I had an ability but never knew how to cultivate it or where to start. However, as clever as the divine is, it always continues to knock on your door until you are, one day, ready to open it.
I was put on the divine path from very young, as a tiny child I was often taken to church by my grandmother.
My alternative spiritual path started with Yoga, Meditation and getting Energetic Healings starting from age 13.
My career was in Beauty Therapy, pilates,, body work, personal training and a bit of corporate thrown in.
I did Ka-Huna Massage certification in year 2000 with Mette Sorensen at High Spirits Retreat.
I studied Reiki in 2007.
I had a big life event in my mid 30's and was in crisis, so I was referred to an amazing human Brahman Kyrie who put me fully onto the spiritual path.
I studied for 9 years at Shanti Mission and am now a disciple of Sri Sakthi Narayani Amma.
I completed Womb Awakening with Seren and Azra Bertrand from Womb Awakening, The Feminine Grail.
I have studied Energetic Healing full time since 2012 and have several qualifications in different modalities such as Ignite Your Spirit Therapy, Theta Healing, Crystal Dreaming, E.F.T.
I completed the incredible Energy Mentor program with Lynette Arkadie.
I am a fully qualified Meditation teacher via Shanti Mission.
I am a Crystal Dreaming practitioner via Raym and Chicchan Richards.
I am a member of The International Energetic Healing Association (IEHA) and the International Institute of Complimentary Therapies (IICT).
I continue with daily practice and weekly healings myself and i'm a student of Psychology at University. I am always learning, expanding, evolving and growing.
I go to India most years to spend time at Sri Puram which is home to a living saint, Sri Shakti Narayani Amma.
I was a guest healer at the Seven Sisters Festival and Soul Star Festival.
I hold retreats in Ibiza, Sri Lanka, and Estonia.
I attend workshops, retreats and spiritual happenings all over the world.
Feel free to book a healing via my online booking platform here on my website.
In service, Sat Nam, Namaste, Om Namo Narayani.
"Light, Light, Light.
I am light,
I live by the light,
I am in service to the light,
I am a divine, sovereign being of light,
I am protected by the light".