Energetic Healing is an art and science that addresses the whole person – mind, body and spirit. As a trained Energetic Healer I integrate conventional and alternative therapies to promote wellbeing and your optimal life. I invite you to join me on this wonderful journey of healing.

Hi! My Name is Mia.
I Am, amongst many other things, a licensed Energy Healer.
The Soul Home is a way to connect my spirituality and lifelong training with the world.
I am a High Vibes enthusiast and a pragmatist. Even though i am deeply connected to-and have a great understanding of all things Woo-Woo, i prefer to remain peacefully grounded and connected to everyday life. This is where we all live in this human experience, and this is where i want to be helping.

Mias calming, gentle, beautiful nature is so lovely to be around, even in a digital/online sense I felt her energy coming through..which to be honest i'm a bit of a skeptic about. Im now a convert. Issues that I had buried from childhood-i literally felt them leave my body. NP- I referred Mia to a friend of mine who has had chronic back pain for years, he was blown away because after just one session he was able to make his bed without pain for the first time since the accident.
Katrina Hawley